We need a Super Supreme Court!

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) needs some oversight after seeing the reports of the lack of ethics by the members of the Court!  Disapproval of SCOTUS has been increasing.

Poll GraphJohn Oliver did a scathing report on the ethics of the SCOTUS recently, especially Clarence Thomas, with a unique offer for Justice Thomas.  But he is not the only one that seems to lack ethical and moral judgement.

One of the points of John Oliver’s report was U.S. Federal Judges have a code of ethics, but it does not apply to the SCOTUS.  There is federal law 28 U.S. Code § 455Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge, which seems to be forgotten and does apply to the SCOTUS justices.  Additionally the SCOTUS use to be thought of as above politics but no longer seems to be the case and maybe never really was.

The paradox is in the United States of America, no one is above the law, but the SCOTUS is the final arbitrator of the law.  Maybe we (the People) need a Super Supreme Court of the United States to provide some oversight to the SCOTUS made up of ordinary citizens. Or maybe there should be term limits, age limits, ethic rules, political representation rules added to the U.S. Constitution for the SCOTUS.  Just because something did not happen in the past does not mean it cannot happen in the future.

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